Identify early in the semester those students eligible for membership. See Article III-3 of the KTA Constitution for specific eligibility requirements. Only students ranked in the upper ten percent are eligible. Most chapters initiate in the student’s final semester; others initiate whenever students are eligible.
Send invitation letters to those eligible. Explain that the only cost is a one-time initiation fee ($35 to the national). Include a copy of the KTA brochure. We have more copies of the brochure if you need them. In addition to recognition, initiates receive a key pin, a membership certificate and card and a copy of the special historic issue of the KTA Newsletter.
Set a firm deadline for an invitation response and collect the initiation fee. Membership invitation is not open-ended; it must expire in a reasonable period of time. Once your Report of Initiates has been received, additional initiates will be accepted only when you certify that the tardiness was due to oversight or error on your part, not the student’s.
Prepare the Report of Initiates form, preferably using the online form. See Adviser’s Page point #3 to access the form.
Names will be printed on the membership certificates exactly as they appear on your report. You will charged $5 each for replacement certificates if you err. Designate Honorary initiates by H (be sure they qualify under Article IV) and Faculty by F (in the spirit of recognizing excellence, only faculty who have distinguished themselves as teachers/scholars should be considered; mere faculty status is not sufficient).
Please provide the name of the university as you want it on certificates.
If yours is one of the handful of chapters named after a distinguished colleague, indicate if you want the name included by writing in the full chapter name (e.g., The Guy H. Stewart Chapter).
Send your form well in advance of your initiation date. The initiation ceremony is more meaningful if certificates are distributed. We usually will be able to process certificates in one week or less; allow additional time for mailing. If time is short, the packet may be express-shipped, in which case you will be billed accordingly.
ONE check (the university’s or your personal) should accompany the report form, or should soon follow. Student checks WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Note that KTA’s “Vendor” or Federal ID number is on the form, as is the word “INVOICE.” Please use a copy of the Report Form as an invoice.
Conduct the initiation as outlined in the Ritual. Some chapters do this as part of a graduation ceremony, others hold a banquet and others do it at an awards ceremony.
No student is to be initiated until the initiation fee has been collected (see Bylaws-1).
Send list of initiates and their home towns to your campus news office and request that news releases be sent.